Prove It

The social and institutional factors contributing to sexual assault at the University of Arizona

Prove It

The social and institutional factors contributing to sexual assault at the University of Arizona


A reporting project by Jessica Suriano

Sexual violence and harassment are not problems exclusive to the University of Arizona or college institutions at large. Conversations about these issues have exploded in the current social, political, and media landscapes, and the University of Arizona is not immune to these calls to action. As we’ve learned, sexual violence has perpetuated for far too long. Proving that sexual violence is happening and why it continues to happen at the University of Arizona is on the minds of students, faculty, and staff members.

This project investigates several areas of sexual misconduct within the University of Arizona and the institutional response to misconduct: acquaintance rape in student housing, abuses of power in campus relationships, and Greek Life. In addition, this project includes solutions journalism reporting on failed and newly-introduced prevention and education methods, Title IX reform at national and local levels, and an analysis of the university resources available to students who believe they have been sexually assaulted.

The writing section contains the reporting on all of these topics. In the video section, you can listen to UA students discuss what consent, harassment, Me Too, toxic masculinity, and victim blaming looks like, feels like, and means to them. The map depicts where students have reported sexual offenses to UAPD in a five-year time span. In the spirit of transparency, the notes section contains comments from me about two important topics relevant to this project: mental health in trauma journalism and a snapshot of the reporting process of this project. Thanks for reading, watching and listening.

© Jessica Suriano 2019